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Vulcan Distress
This is the one you will want to have. Named a “Vulcan Distress” and it truly is a Smoke Vulcan. Yes. It might see like it’s expensive but you will not be disappointed. If you are looking for a smoke that is easy for you to bring with you: This is not the one. The size of the product is enormous, as is the volume of smoke you will produce! 180 seconds of the best coloured smoke you will ever see in your life.
This product is also produced in Europe (CE stamped). Which means this product is legal to own and carry with you in every country of the EU. It’s produced with the easy to use pull ignitor. Vulcan signal is produced for use on the ground or if you want can throw it after ignition. For the dare-devil in you; it’s possible to place the top cap on the bottom and use it as a safety grip so you can use it in your hand. This type of hand signal is produced with all the specifications set by Maritieme Autoriteit Solas 74/96 regulations. Meaning; it can float. The ignitor is build in a way it can go off in all circumstances.
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